Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Where is the CTR on Google depend on?

Often there are tests done to see what the CTR (Click Through Rate) is on the first page of Google. Not surprisingly, the first search result gets the most visitors from Google, followed by number 2 and 3. Then, the number of clicks rather quickly and thereby gain position 4 and lower relatively few visitors from Google. Page 2 gets almost nothing. Many SEO'ers take these studies as examples. Oh, so if I'm number one I get about 35% (as an example) of the clicks in Google. No, it will not work! The CTR on Google is because it depends on several factors. Something often not taken into account.

Where is the CTR depend on?

You can not assume that if you are number 1, you get 35% of the clicks. First, the percentages of studies often averages. There you all so very little with it. If a site has a CTR of 60% and other site has a CTR of 10 percent, then you do so an average CTR of 35 percent. This while the results have been very different. This is a rather exaggerated example, but you get my point here. It can actually inevitable that there are some other factors at play. But what affects the CTR in search results?


Firstly, this is influenced by advertisements. If no ads are displayed for a search, so people are 'obliged' to click.'s Natural results Thus, what has as a consequence a higher CTR. At the same time the story can also be reversed. If there are many ads appear in a search, people have more choice somewhere clicking. The CTR for the websites will decrease, because some people will click on the ads.


Second, get the CTR determined by your competitors. Imagine that you are in position 1 for a particular keyword and your website is the 'face' of this market. The people know who you are and they trust you. This will result in a higher CTR for your website and a lower CTR for other websites. Conversely, this also. For example, if you at number 2 in Google is, you would surely have a great percentage of the number of clicks to ingest. Now it is true that your competitor is known to the people. They know who the competition is and who they trust. This will ensure that your competitor has a higher CTR and that you have a lower

I myself have a website that is number 2 on a keyword with a lot of search volume. It is true that my competitor number 1 in Google, not known to the public. This is my CTR at number 2 but 4%, a rather low percentage.


This actually has again to do with you. Competitors As an example I take a Dutch word that also exists in English. The search for this word so shows both Dutch and English websites. Imagine that the first result is a Dutch website with a title and description in Dutch. The rest of the results are known English sites. Although it is well known sites, people are still more likely to click. A Dutch search result The result is that most people will click on the first search result, so that it has an extremely high CTR. At the same time other sites quite low CTR.

I myself have a website at number 1, which my website is the only Dutch site is in the top 3 in the search results. The other sites are English. This makes people more likely to click my website, because it has a Dutch title and description. The result is that my website has a CTR of less than 77 percent. That is almost 80 percent and this is a high CTR for an open search.

Search by company name

If a visitor by company name or website name search, this person has already decided that he / she wants to visit this site. The CTR of a search on a company name is almost always higher than the CTR of an open search. Websites with high scores on a company name, for example, a news site that an article on this company has written, this will have a low CTR. People want namely the company website.

The answers from Google

For a while Google also provides for certain queries 'answers'. This can be fatal for the number of clicks from Google. They allow for example 'weather Amsterdam' see a card with the weather for that place. The visitor has the answer is already in question and does not need to look any further. The result is that the CTR to the websites, which are under the weather map to be displayed, is quite low.


So you can not just use percentages to a survey. This goes for SEO companies. I know that SEO companies like to give their customers a prediction or that there are customers who like to know. However, you can not use percentages to a study, because the CTR varies per search. You can book in advance or predict whether the CTR on the high or low side will be. You can do this by going through. Above points So check if there are and how many ads. More ads means a lower CTR and less ads means a higher CTR. Additionally, you will have to look at the competition. Are there any 'big names'? In which languages ​​are the other results? And there are other similar company? And finally you will have to see if Google also provides answers to the queries. The CTR for a website depends on these points.

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